Improving Wall Insulation in UK Homes

Installing wall insulation can significantly reduce heat loss in homes and lower energy bills. For UK homeowners and tenants, understanding insulation options and benefits is key to keeping homes warmer.

Why Insulate Walls?

Heat escapes through poor insulation in walls, accounting for around one-third of a home’s heat loss. Insulating walls:

  • Lowers heating bills by containing warm air.
  • Makes homes more comfortable and evenly heated.
  • Reduces energy use and carbon emissions.
  • Can reduce condensation and mould.
  • Extends the lifespan of wall materials.

Types of Wall Insulation

There are several types of insulation suitable for walls:

Cavity Wall Insulation – Fills the gap between internal and external walls with foam or mineral wool insulation. Well-suited to postwar cavity wall construction.

External Wall Insulation (EWI) – Insulating boards attached to external walls, then covered with render or cladding. Effective for solid walls.

Internal Wall Insulation – Insulated plasterboard or insulated panels fixed to internal wall surfaces. Less disruptive than external options.

Home Insulation Grants for Homeowners on Benefits

ECO4 Grants for the Vulnerable and Low-Income People

Assessing Your Walls

Determining the right insulation method depends on your existing walls:

  • Cavity walls – Cavity insulation is easiest if wall cavities are accessible.
  • Solid stone/brick – EWI or internal insulation are better options.
  • Timber frame – Cavity or internal insulation can work well.
  • Insulation present – Topping up with EWI or internal insulation may help.

An installer can advise on your wall type and optimum insulation method.

Installation and Costs

  • Cavity wall installation involves drilling holes and filling cavities through injection.
  • EWI involves extensive external work. Internal options have less impact.
  • Insulation costs range from £300 – £8,000 depending on type, walls, and house size.
  • DIY is possible for internal insulation. Most homeowners use installers.
  • Grants or schemes like ECO may provide subsidized insulation.

Proper wall insulation makes homes warmer and more energy efficient for lower bills. A professional assessment can determine the most suitable type for your property.