Insulation Grants, Lofts, Walls & Solar Panels ECO4 Grant Scheme

The United Kingdom Energy Company Obligation is a plan that was introduced in an effort to help vulnerable homeowners throughout the North West reduce their energy bills.

The Grant Insulation team has remained focused on the ECO since its start in 2013. This specific website offers all of the latest ECO3 grant funding that was launched on October 1st, 2018. At Free Insulation Grant we have the ability to offer you free home insulation in the areas of Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Merseyside & Lancashire.

The grants are provided through a number of UK energy companies and there is no need to repay the amount. Take the time today and see if you qualify!

Automatic access to Home Insulation Grants for Vulnerable and low-income people
Feeling overwhelmed by constantly rising energy bills? You're not alone. Many homeowners nationwide are now spending more on energy than housing costs. But you have the power to take control of your energy costs and gain independence.

Investing in solar panels and battery storage empowers you to generate your own renewable energy. Reduce dependence on the grid and high energy bills by up to 70%!

ECO Free Insulation Available Now!

In 2012, the United Kingdom parliament approved the ECO or Energy Company Obligation The a budget of over £1.3 billion for this year, the plan is funded in an effort through the largest energy companies in the UK.

The Energy Company Obligation is designed from three obligations including: The Carbon Savings Obligation, Carbon Saving Community Obligation and Affordable Warmth. The funding for the free thermal insulation in 2020 is an aspect of the Affordable Warmth Obligation. You can claim your grant right here!

Free Insulation Grant

We have worked closely with a number of UK installer to help address the situation of energy company obligation in regard to those vulnerable households. We have helped countless homes who may not have the funding cover the costs of their energy and insulation costs.

We offer underfloor, solid wall, cavity and room-in-roof insulation. When you have completed an application online, we will refer you home insulation enquiry to a professional authorised installer located in your area.

Before the installation is completed the installer will carry out a survey. We then monitor the feedback on our installers to ensure that they have provided the best in customer service for your home.

Home Insulation Grants for Homeowners on Benefits

ECO3 Grants for the Vulnerable and Low-Income People
Check with us if you are eligible for free Home Insulation Grants!
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Child Tax credit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Income-based JSA
  • Income-related ESA
  • Industrial Injuries
  • Disablement Benefits
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • War Pensions Mobility Supplement