Solar Panels Manchester

Installing solar panels on your home in Greater Manchester is one of the best ways to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint. With energy prices rising, more homeowners are looking to solar power as an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution.

At Grant Insulation, we have over 10 years of experience installing high-quality solar panels across Greater Manchester. We understand all the ins and outs of solar power and can advise you on the best system for your property.

Stop Overpaying on Energy
- Go Solar and Save Big 💡
Generate your own clean energy with solar panels - reduce electricity bills by up to 70%!
Feeling overwhelmed by constantly rising energy bills? You're not alone. Many homeowners nationwide are now spending more on energy than housing costs. But you have the power to take control of your energy costs and gain independence.

Investing in solar panels and battery storage empowers you to generate your own renewable energy. Reduce dependence on the grid and high energy bills by up to 70%!

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity through semiconductors inside the panels. This direct current (DC) electricity is sent to an inverter which converts it into alternating current (AC) that you can use to power appliances and devices in your home.

On sunny days, your solar panels will produce more electricity than you need, so any excess gets exported back to the grid. You’ll get paid for this energy through the Smart Export Guarantee.

When it’s cloudy or dark, your panels produce less electricity, so you’ll need to supplement with electricity from the grid. But with enough solar panels, you can still meet a significant portion of your home’s energy needs.

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels

There are many excellent reasons to install solar PV panels in Greater Manchester:

  • Save money – Solar energy is free once your system is installed. You’ll reduce your energy bills by using your own renewable electricity during the day.
  • Earn money – Get paid for exporting excess energy back to the grid through the Smart Export Guarantee.
  • Increase home value – Adding solar panels can increase your property’s value by 4-5%.
  • Reduce carbon footprint – Solar power emits no greenhouse gases, helping you live a greener lifestyle.
  • Low maintenance – Solar panels are very reliable and require little servicing once installed.
  • Energy security – Take control of your energy production and reduce reliance on volatile utility prices.

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

The number of solar panels you need depends on:

  • Roof size and orientation – South-facing roofs produce the most energy.
  • Energy usage – Check your monthly energy bills. More panels = more energy produced.
  • Home size – Larger houses need more panels to meet their energy demands.

On average, most Greater Manchester homes require between 20-30 panels. We will survey your property and usage to design the optimal system.

What Factors Affect Output?

Several factors influence how much energy your solar panels produce:

  • Weather – More sunlight equals more power. Solar performs best on sunny, long summer days.
  • Roof orientation – South-facing roofs optimise solar production year-round. East/west is decent. North is worst.
  • Roof angle – For maximum exposure, panels work best at 30-40 degree angles in the UK.
  • Shading – Nearby trees/buildings that shade panels will reduce output.
  • Local pollution – Smog blocks sunlight and lowers solar panel efficiency.
  • Age – Panel performance declines slightly each year. Expect 0.5-1% drop annually.

Proper siting and high-quality solar panels will mitigate these impacts for best production.

Solar Panel Costs in Greater Manchester

For a typical 4 kW solar panel system on a house in Greater Manchester, you can expect to pay around £5,000-£8,000 installed. Larger systems for bigger houses cost more. Key factors determining solar panel system prices include:

  • Number of panels and system size
  • Panel wattage and efficiency
  • Roof type/condition – tile vs flat, retrofit vs new build
  • Accessibility – scaffolding or lift rental if challenging install

You can reduce your solar panel costs through the Smart Export Guarantee, SEG payments, and by claiming the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) generation tariff. We handle all paperwork and applications.

Finance options like solar leasing spread your costs over time. We also install battery storage to maximise self-consumption and bill savings.

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