Solar Panels North West

Go Solar and Save – The Benefits of Solar PV Systems

At Grant Insulation, we believe solar PV systems offer homeowners and businesses an excellent way to reduce energy costs and their carbon footprint. As a leading insulation company and advocate for energy efficiency, we highly recommend considering solar. Here’s why you should go solar with a professionally installed solar PV system:

Financial Savings Now and Later

Installing solar panels allows you to reduce or even eliminate monthly electricity bills. Any excess energy your solar system generates can be sold back to the grid through net metering programs. With solar electricity prices dropping and utility rates rising, the savings grow over time. Solar PV systems are estimated to have a lifespan of 25-30 years. A system pays for itself within just 5-7 years in many cases. It’s an investment that keeps on giving.

Increase Your Property Value

Homes with solar PV systems have been proven to sell for higher prices than comparable homes without solar. Appraisers account for the lower utility costs and income from excess energy sales. Solar also appeals to eco-conscious buyers. Going solar can increase property value by 4.1% on average, and much more in some markets.

Stop Overpaying on Energy
- Go Solar and Save Big 💡
Generate your own clean energy with solar panels - reduce electricity bills by up to 70%!
Feeling overwhelmed by constantly rising energy bills? You're not alone. Many homeowners nationwide are now spending more on energy than housing costs. But you have the power to take control of your energy costs and gain independence.

Investing in solar panels and battery storage empowers you to generate your own renewable energy. Reduce dependence on the grid and high energy bills by up to 70%!

Tax Credits, Rebates, and Incentives

The federal solar tax credit allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. Many state and local governments also offer additional rebates and incentives to go solar. These can offset the upfront cost even further. Your solar provider can inform you of all available tax credits, rebates and incentives to maximize savings.

Energy Independence and Security

With your own solar PV system, you don’t have to worry about power outages or grid failures. The system keeps working to power your home when the grid goes down. You also don’t have to worry about utility rate hikes. Once your system is paid off, the only costs are maintenance and repairs. Avoid unpredictable rate increases for decades.

Clean, Renewable Energy

Fossil fuels are dirty and destroy the environment. Solar power generates clean, renewable energy from the sun’s rays alone. A 5 kW solar system can offset over 6 tons of carbon emissions per year. You’ll drastically reduce your carbon footprint while setting an eco-friendly example. Solar energy can play a major role in fighting climate change.

Simple, Low-Maintenance Systems

Modern solar panels don’t require much upkeep or intervention to produce abundant energy. Keep them clear of debris and shade, and let the sun do the work. Most solar PV systems also come with monitoring software so you can track energy production. Professional installation ensures your system operates optimally for many years.

Better Use of Space

Unused roof and ground space are perfect locations for solar arrays. The systems are unobtrusive and integrate seamlessly into your home’s aesthetics. Minimal land clearance is required, leaving your property mostly undisturbed. Any extra unused space can also be utilized to further supplement your solar energy production.

At Grant Insulation, we want to help homeowners reap the many benefits of solar PV systems. We offer free solar consultations to determine if your property is suitable, inform you of all incentives available, and provide accurate cost savings estimates. Our NABCEP-certified installers adhere to the highest safety and quality standards. Contact us today to go solar and start saving!

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