The Most Efficient Solar Solutions For Your Home

At Grant Insulation, we believe solar energy is the future. As experts in home insulation and energy efficiency, we know that solar power provides a clean, renewable way to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint. Our team stays up-to-date on the latest solar technology to provide you with the most efficient solar solutions for your home.

Why Choose Solar?

Solar energy offers many benefits for UK homeowners:

  • Save money – Solar panels can reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills when combined with battery storage. Any excess energy you produce is exported back to the grid for additional savings.
  • Increase home value – Installing solar increases your property value by 3-4% on average. Solar also makes your home more attractive to buyers.
  • Reduce emissions – Solar energy produces zero carbon emissions. The average 5kW solar system saves over 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per year.
  • Gain energy independence – With solar batteries, you can store solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining. This gives you energy security and reduces reliance on the grid.
  • Earn income – You can earn an income from your solar energy through government incentives like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).

Factors To Consider Before Installing Solar

While solar delivers significant long-term value, it’s important to assess if it’s right for your property. Here are key factors to consider:

Roof Orientation and Pitch

South-facing roofs with pitches between 30-40° are ideal for maximising solar yield in the UK. East/west-facing roofs can also work well. We assess your roof to determine the optimal solar design.

Roof Condition

Most roof types are suitable for solar, but the roof must be in good condition to handle the panel weight. Tiled roofs need at least 10 years of life left. We’ll inspect your roof as part of the installation process.

Energy Usage

Solar works best for homes with significant daytime energy demand. We’ll analyse your usage patterns to properly size your system and maximise self-consumption.

Available Space

You need roughly 15 sqm of unshaded roof space per kW of solar capacity. We survey your roof to ensure you have enough space for your desired system size.


The upfront cost of solar ranges from £5,000-£10,000 for an average-sized system after incentives. Battery storage costs extra. We offer flexible finance options to help make solar affordable.

The Grant Insulation Difference

At Grant Insulation, our goal is delivering maximum value from your solar investment. Here’s how we achieve this:

Custom Designs

Every home is unique. We create custom system designs to optimise solar output based on your roof layout, usage needs, budget and more.

Efficiency Focus

We only install Tier 1 panels from leading brands known for performance, reliability and warranties. We also use premium microinverters or optimisers to maximise efficiency.

Full Service

From initial feasibility assessment through to installation and aftercare service, we provide seamless end-to-end project management.

Battery Expertise

We’re specialists in solar battery storage. We’ll advise if batteries are worthwhile for you and install high-quality Tesla Powerwall or LG Chem systems.

Funding Support

We guide you through available government incentives like SEG payments and help you access interest-free loans or other financing tools.

Ongoing Monitoring

Through smart energy monitoring platforms, we help you keep track of system performance and take advantage of every kWh of green energy you produce.

Ready to explore solar for your home? Get a customised quote from Grant Insulation today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do solar panels cost in the UK?

The typical price range for a 4-8kW solar system is £5,000-£10,000 after incentives. The final cost depends on your system size, roof type, panel and inverter choices and more. We provide personalised quotes for your specific needs.

How much can I save with solar panels?

You can reduce electricity bills by 50-100% with solar, depending on system size and self-consumption levels. Solar households also earn £100-£250 per year through Smart Export Guarantee payments. Batteries maximise savings by letting you use more of the energy you generate.

How long do solar panels last?

Top-tier solar panels have 25+ year lifespans. Inverters may need replacement after 10-15 years. With proper maintenance, a system can operate for 30+ years. We use robust components rated for longevity.

Are solar panels worth it in the UK?

Yes, solar panels offer compelling returns in the UK’s sunny climate. Panels produce energy even on cloudy days and the savings usually outweigh the installation costs over a system’s lifetime. Solar also enhances energy security and sustainability.

Do solar panels work in winter?

Solar panels are less productive in winter but still generate electricity even in cold, overcast conditions. Combining solar with batteries provides winter resiliency by storing summer surplus for winter use. Proper panel positioning also optimises winter output.

Will solar panels affect my roof warranty?

Solar systems don’t automatically void roof warranties. We liaise with your roofer before installation to ensure your existing warranty remains intact. Any penetrations needed for panel mounts are properly sealed to prevent leaks.

How is solar panel output calculated?

Key factors like your location, roof direction, tilt, shading, system size and equipment efficiency determine solar output. We use proprietary modelling tools to simulate bespoke production estimates for your property.

Get in touch today to discuss your solar potential. Grant Insulation’s team of experts is here to help!

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