Free Loft Insulation Chester Cheshire Grants

Free Loft Insulation Chester Cheshire

Loft insulation grants Chester Cheshire – Homeowners on benefits you are still likely to benefit from government funding, please enter your details in the insulation grant application form.

What can i get? free loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, or a boiler. Who is eligible? you’ll need to own your home and receive certain benefits to be eligible. But you don’t have to be an npower customer. How can i apply? online.

eco funding and green homes funding is available for
all home insulation requirements
not on benefits or low income, claim 2/3rds of the cost,
up to £5000 with the new governments green home fund. Green homes fund
i can confirm that i’am happy for energy grants uk to hold my personal information on file, undertake a benefit check on my behalf and to contact me with regards to my application. Click here!
submit now!
if you do receive benefits
choose which measures you are interested in (you can choose multiple requirements if required):.

Neither british gas, sse nor scottish power currently offers free insulation or boilers. Some companies’ schemes are currently on hold while the legislation behind them changes. They are backed by the energy companies obligation (eco).

did you know that a poorly insulated home loses up to a quarter of its heat through the roof, and around a third of it’s heat through its walls?
the grants are applicable to various types of insulation for your home
room in the roof insulation – attic room
under floor insulation – ufi
a well insulated home is the key to cheaper energy bills. If you are on benefits or a low income family you will also qualify for a free insulation grant under the government’s energy company obligation (eco) and you not only will save money of your heating bill you will also have your insulation fitted for free!.

Loft insulation is installed on the floor of the loft. Blankets of mineral wool (glass fibre) are rolled out between and then across the joists. The latest government recommendation is a depth of 11 inches or 270mm. Unlike roof insulation, free government-backed loft insulation grants are available now under the energy companies obligation (eco).

What type of insulation do I need?

To work out which type of insulation is right for your home, read our guides to loft insulation and cavity wall insulation.

I already have some loft insulation – do i need to install more?
my loft has been fitted with floorboards – will this cause a problem?
there is a lot of pipe work in my loft space. Will your price include insulating the pipe work too?
how much will loft insulation cost?
what type of material is use to insulate?
how about the water tanks?
my ceiling joists are only 4″ (100m) deep. How will additional layers of insulation fit in between them?
do i need to provide ventilation to my loft space?.


{there are numerous giveaways that energy service providers are using. They range from cavity wall and loft insulation to brand-new boilers. This is all part of the service providers’ performance commitments to people who belong to certain groups of people. They are mainly for individuals who get specific benefits, like income-based benefits, pension, credit, tax credits, or universal credit. The whole complimentary boilers and insulation guide has more details. the following is a sample of what you can get:

Find energy grants and ways to save energy in your home

Find out how to make your home more energy efficient and reduce your bills. The simple energy advice website has advice on ways to save energy , such as:
insulating your loft and cavity walls
draught-proofing windows and doors
upgrading your boiler
installing double glazing
using alternative sources of energy, such as solar power
you can also find out if you’re eligible for a home energy grant to help pay for things like loft and cavity wall insulation. Use the energy efficiency calculator for personalised advice on what you can do to cut your energy bills.

The insulation company can offer your home free loft insulation grants (subject to eligibility). Government funding is available to everybody who is looking to save energy. This is also available to private tenants as well as homeowners. More often than not our team will come and find that homes are eligible for more insulation grants than just the loft, don’t leave yourself out in the cold, give the team at the insulation company a call today and see if you and your family can be better protected.


{|while researching free roof insulation, i came across a government-commissioned website called simple energy advice. The scheme is one of the most popular free insulation schemes in the uk and allows households across the uk to have free cavity wall insulation installed to create warmer, more energy-efficient homes.

Including ‘free’ £1,000 cavity wall & roof insulation

Chester insulation grants – free cavity wall and loft insulation in Chester
Chester insulation grants
there is still time to benefit from free insulation measures in Chester and surrounding counties as part of the government’s energy company obligation (eco) scheme. Households in the uk could save up to £565* a year on energy bills simply by improving the efficiency of the insulation installed in the property you live. The free insulation measures offered are:
loft insulation.
Heat from your house will rise resulting in about quarter of the heat generated being lost through the roof of an uninsulated home. Insulating the roof space of your home is the simplest, most cost-effective way of saving energy and reducing your heating bills.

Get up to £10,000 for energy efficiency improvements to your home

Loft insulation is one of the most simple, affordable and effective things you can do to improve your home’s energy efficiency and lower your energy bills. For a typical home, loft insulation starts from £136 with the green homes grant applied.

Free loft and cavity wall insulation

Some energy suppliers offer free insulation and free boilers to eligible households. Read on to find out if you qualify. You could save up to £130 a year on your energy bills by insulating your loft, and £150 with cavity wall insulation if you live in a semi-detached house.
Both can cost hundreds of pounds upfront to install, so it’s worth checking whether you can get free insulation from your energy supplier first. Read about the different types of insulation available to make your home more cosy.

As with our cavity wall insulation, we only install loft insulation materials that we know to be thermally efficient and therefore cost effective. The best quality, modern insulation will last for over 40 years with no loss of efficiency and no need for any maintenance. Therefore it should pay for itself many times over.


{they vary from cavity wall and loft insulation to brand-new boilers. They are generally for individuals who get particular benefits, like income-based benefits, pension, credit, tax credits, or universal credit.

What’s on offer and how do I get a boiler grant?

As with the boiler grants you may not be offered a grant that covers the entire cost of the insulation but a substantial portion of it. If this is the case you will be told how much you would need to contribute before deciding to go ahead; you’re under no pressure to agree to anything you cannot afford.

The scottish and uk governments, local authorities and energy suppliers offer a range of financial measures, usually in the form of grants, loans or incentives. Financial help may be:
available for certain types of energy efficient improvements – sometimes the financial help is targeted at certain improvements, such as boilers or loft insulation
means tested – you may need to be receiving certain benefits to qualify for the financial help
dependant on where you live in scotland – some types of financial support might only be available in some areas of scotland.

What’s included with the grant?

Your home may qualify for free loft insulation in scotland if you claim specific benefits or tax credits. Installing loft and cavity wall insulation is the most effective way of reducing energy bills. Government grants for free loft insulation and cavity wall insulation in scotland are accessible via the energy company obligation (eco) scheme. This is an environmental program which aims to lower carbon emissions by making scottish homes more energy-efficient. How do insulation grants work?
the uk and scottish governments have signed up to an international agreement which requires all included countries to lower their carbon footprint. Each government has annual targets to meet. These targets are achieved by reducing the amount of energy wasted in the home. Part of the plan is to make all homes in scotland more energy-efficient.

Government grants for free loft insulation and cavity wall insulation in scotland are accessible via the energy company obligation (eco) scheme. This is an environmental program which aims to lower carbon emissions by making scottish homes more energy-efficient. The uk and scottish governments have signed up to an international agreement which requires all included countries to lower their carbon footprint. Each government has annual targets to meet. These targets are achieved by reducing the amount of energy wasted in the home. Part of the plan is to make all homes in scotland more energy-efficient. Insulating your walls and loft correctly means you spend less money on heating bills.

The scheme has two categories of home improvements: primary and secondary. Homeowners are only eligible for a secondary grant if they are also receiving a primary grant. Primary green homes grants grants will be available to homeowners installing:
insulation: solid wall, cavity wall, under-floor, loft, flat roof, room in roof, park home. Low carbon heat: air source heat pump, ground source heat pump, solar thermal
in some cases, ‘top up’ improvements will be allowed such as additional loft insulation up to the recommended level or solid wall insulation for other walls where a wall has been previously insulated, but replacements are not included. For low-carbon heating systems to be installed, the property will need to have adequate insulation(e. G. Wall and loft).

How can I check if cavity wall insulation is right for my home?

To work out which type of insulation is right for your home, read our guides to loft insulation and cavity wall insulation. Before taking up any deal, you’ll need to read the small print for each insulation offer to make sure you and your home are eligible. Companies typically need to be able to insulate at least two thirds of your loft space, and exclude properties with more than 60mm of loft insulation already in place. You may not be eligible if you live in a rented property, flat or maisonette, or a housing association or council property. Most deals apply only to people living in mainland britain. You may need to pay towards the cost of your ‘free’ insulation if you live in a particularly large or unusual house.

What can I do if I have problems with my insulation?

A 2016 report by the building research establishment looking at cavity wall insulation in wales – where many problems have been reported – concluded there is evidence it’s been poorly installed, or installed in unsuitable properties in some cases. Problems seem to be concentrated on the west side of the country, including in south-west england, west wales, north-west england and north-west scotland. These areas are known to be particularly unsuitable for cavity wall insulation because of severe exposure to ‘wind-driven rain’. First check whether the area you’re in is deemed high risk. The map below from the building research establishment shows the areas that are most at risk of ‘wind-driven rain’ in blue and dark blue.

It is preferable to install flat roof insulation from the outside. This would normally take place if the roof needs to be replaced but it can be retro-fitted to flat roofs that are in good condition. Rigid insulation boards are normally fixed to the roof and a weatherproof layer is then added. Flat roof insulation can also be installed from inside but condensation problems can occur if it is not installed correctly. We are unable to help with grants for this type of insulation.

You need boards to be lifted for you. If your loft is boarded out we cannot lay insulation over the top. Alternatively, you can lift the boards before the insulation is laid and then replace them afterwards but they will have to be raised due to the extra thickness. We cannot lift or replace any boards for you. There is any damp present. Loft insulation can help to prevent condensation, but all other damp problems must be cured before it can be installed.

Why has cavity wall insulation been installed inappropriately?

A grant of up to 25% can be claimed towards the cost of external wall insulation. Prices typically range from £7,000 to £15,000. Energylink can arrange a free survey and quote from an accredited local installer. Free external wall insulation is also available if you live in kw, iv or ph and do not have mains gas. External wall insulation is normally installed in properties that have solid brick or concrete walls. It can also be fitted to homes with cavity walls that are not suitable for cavity wall insulation.

Loft Insulation grants near Chester